Sunday, September 14, 2014

Shame On YOU, Internet!!

As I was reading You-Topian Dreams, i began to realize that our social networking can really interfere with peoples lives. As the article states "...In 2010, when a conservative blogger named Andrew Breitbrat got a hold of a video clip of a speech by an African American USDA employee named Shirley Sherrod...when Breitbrat clipped out one portion of the speech and posted it to his blog" slottering her name as he highlighted a portion where she said she refused to help a white farmer because of his race. Within hours of the video clip being posted Sherrod was asked to resign from her job. Very few looked into the full video and when it was shown, she began receiving apology letters and job offers back to work. This made me think of a more recent outburst from our good ol Stockton that went viral, Jeremy Meeks. Meeks was arrested here in Stockton on gun charges, and when SPD facebook page posted his mug shot all the ladies went crazy. They shared his mug shot so much stating how "hot" he was or how "dreamy' his eyes were, that even the local news went in the jail to interview him. The picture went so viral it ended up on VH1 and many other shows, offering him modeling jobs and so forth. Although it was interfering Meeks life in a more positive way from say Sherrod's life, I don't think his wife or family liked all the attention. It is just crazy how fast information can travel with the click of a mouse.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Macie. This is an example of how the viral nature of social media can be very scary. While it can do good (see the ALS challenge over the summer), we are very quick to accept what we see on the internet as factual--rather than the manipulated, edited, photoshopped version that we know it can be. What happened to Sherrod was awful--I remember it well--which is why we must always be vigilant in testing the sources of our information before we form conclusions/ opinions.
